Optimization 101, part 1 in a series
Thursday, May 22, 2008
As Optimization Specialists, we spend a good deal of our time helping advertisers improve the performance of their campaigns. We wanted to share some of the tips and guidelines we rely on regularly. We'll focus this series on the content network. Here are some tips to get you off to a strong start:
- Create separate campaigns for search and content. By doing so, you'll be able to:
- Organize and optimize your ads and keywords for different audiences.
- Set different budgets for search and content, depending on your marketing goals.
- Use general keywords for your content ad groups to help create your themes, without affecting your search performance.
- Focus, focus, focus.
- Create tightly-themed ad groups for each of the products or services your client offers.
- Use about 15-30 keywords per ad group.
- Turn a negative into a positive.
- Use negative keywords. The more negative keywords you have, the less likely your ad will appear on a site that contains that topic, thereby helping you target your ads more accurately.
- The Keyword Tool can help give you ideas for negative keywords.
- Adjust your ads.
- Write ad text that speaks to a user browsing a website. Highlight any special offers or low prices to catch users' attention.
- Use call-to-action phrases that help guide users to know what to do on your clients' site. Phrases like "Learn More", "Call Now" or "Download Free Whitepaper".
- Link your ad to customized landing pages that match the information in your ad text.
- Avoid keyword insertion. Because no one particular keyword is used to trigger your ads on the content network, keyword insertion is better used within search campaigns.