New resource for display advertisers on the Content Network
Monday, December 14, 2009
In the last 18 months or so we have made significant changes to the Google Content Network to deliver better performance for advertisers and agencies and to simplify the process of serving ads across a range of websites. As we roll out more features, we want to make it easy for you to keep up and understand what best fits your needs. To this effect, we've just launched a new Content Network brand channel on YouTube.
The site is stockpiled with videos, links and downloads about the full suite of features and solutions on the Content Network. Structured into four key sections, you can learn about various products across the campaign execution cycle and how they help you achieve your various advertising goals. Case studies and research papers from various industries show what the most successful advertisers on the Content Network are doing. And if you need help getting started, please contact us (response times will vary).
And last but not the least, we've also introduced a new creative direction for our videos, to add some color and fun. Enjoy the first 5 videos below, and let us know what you think by sharing your comments on YouTube.
And you can always bookmark the playlist.